Upcoming Scheduling Requests

Respond to Requests




We have continued to enjoy God's grace in 2023 for which we give him great thanks. New ministry partnerships have started, new people continue to find a sense of belonging in our church, and lives have been renewed through the love of Jesus.

Last year we finished our regular series in Acts and so this recharge season we will spend time digging deeper into our R.E.N.E.W discipelship pathway.

You can download a PDF of the study here:


Recharge 2023 Study Booklet


As we give thanks to God during this Recharge season we also seek to fundraise for 2 important initiatives:

1. Minchinbury 25 Fundraising Campaign:

We seek to raise $25,000 per annum until 2025 to enhance our properties for the mission of Jesus. Currently we have approximately $95,000 in our building fund. It would be great to see that reach over $100,000 this year!

















2. Student Minister 2023 Campaign

We seek to raise $10,000 to support our Student Minister, Tash McConnell, who will be supporting our Kids Ministries and being trained for vocational ministry.


To make your financial contribution this Recharge season click the following links:
Recharge 2023 - Building Fund




Recharge 2023 - Student Minister




Alternatively, you can direct any donations via Bank Transfer to the following church accounts:


Building Fund Donations:

Minchinbury Anglican Church



Description - Recharge23 Building


Student Minister Donations:

Minchinbury Anglican Church



Description - Recharge23 Student


Thankyou for your financial partnership. Your generosity makes a difference!



Download a study guide here

Kings & Prophets

The history of the world has always been marked by power and politics. Kings, Queens, Presidents, and Prime Ministers; some good, some evil; have come and gone. Some might say it has been a long game of musical thrones. This term we are looking at the musical thrones of Ancient Israel in a series called, "Kings and Prophets". We will be reflecting on the life of a number of Kings of Israel and Judah and their relationship with the LORD through his prophets. We will certainly see stories of  human power and politics, but we will also see how the story of these Kings and Prophets  bear witness to the true King and Prophet, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.



Download a study guide.

Watch our sermons on our website or YouTube.

Annual General Meeting 2022

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 13th March 2022.

Here is the audited financials for 2021 for your information.


Here is a form to nominate a member for warden, parish councillor, and/or parish nominator. Please print off, sign, and hand to Mike Smith before the AGM.